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When To Wear and When to Skip Your Face Mask

When to wear your mask

Masks should be worn whenever you have concerns about the spread of a disease like COVID-19 from you to others. These trap drops from your mouth and nose keep the virus inside, assuming you are a carrier.

1. In any closed area

We should wear a mask when we are in any closed room or area where there are other people except for individuals from their homes and physical distancing is difficult.

2. When shopping

With trails and narrow lines of verification, it is not always possible to get six feet away when shopping. Wear your mask, Some stores will not allow you to enter without one.

3. When in public transportation

Since the states are now reopening, there will be more people using public transportation. It is more important than ever to continue wearing your mask as there will be more people that can infect you, or be infected by you. 

4. When you are in a beauty salon

Nail and beauty salons are slowly reopening as we progress through the stages. Beauty salons generally require the customer and owner to be close and personal. Since it is impractical to stay at a safe social distance, it is important to wear a mask.

5. When you are in a common area

You should wear a mask when working or walking in public areas such as trails, stairs, elevators, and parking.

6. When you are in protest

It is important to wear a mask if you are in large crowds, especially if you are participating in a protest and you are among the people expressing their voices. Remember that the virus is transmitted through respiratory drops that include talking, singing, coughing, and sneezing.

7. For pregnant women in labor

When you are inactive labor and pushing, there are many respiratory drops entering the atmosphere. Many hospitals encourage the use of masks at birth to reduce the possibility of COVID-19 transmission.

8. Social distance is not possible at any time

Under any circumstances at work, in the restaurant, even in the garden, wear your face mask if others cannot get away six feet from you.

When to skip your mask

There's always no need for a face mask. There are times when it won't make a big difference enough.

1. When you are at home

You do not need a mask while you are with your family at home if you are with your family the whole time during closing and you are not exposed to COVID.

2. When in the car

The only time someone should be wearing a mask while still in their car is at a drive-thru, or paying or picking up something curbside.

3. When You’re in an Open Space With No One Else Around

With no one around you or people scattered, like in the garden or field, take this opportunity to get some fresh air in a relatively low-risk space, because this is something our body hungry for this year.

4. When exercising at home, away from people

If you use a device in the gym in your apartment or on a bike or surrounded by a few people who can keep distance, it is okay not to wear a mask. If someone is ill, they should not be in the gym or playing sports. These activities require effort, and facial masks make healthy breathing difficult.

5. When you eat

If you're in a restaurant, you might be able to remove the mask while you're at the dining table. If you wake up to use the bathroom or move around the room, you should wear a mask.
In fact, after removing the mask beforehand, you should keep it off the table if it can be reused, or throw it away if it can be disposed of, and wipe your hands to avoid food contamination.

6. When You’re in the water

Masks are also not required for the pool. Wet masks are more permeable, and it's better and safer to remain a good distance away from people who you don't live with.

7. When disability does not allow you

You can skip wearing the mask when "you have a medical or psychological disability or impotence in the growth that prevents you from wearing the mask or when you have difficulty hearing or communicating with someone who has difficulty hearing and needs to see your face."

8. In general: follow the rules of your country

Laws vary by country and change every day. Check with local leaders and consider their advice.

ALSO READ: Doctors warn you: Not to do these 5 things when you are out