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10 foods you should refrain from consuming in summers.

10 foods you should refrain from consuming in summers

Indian summers are back with all their vigor and strength. While you do not even want to step out in these summers you might want to enjoy an ice cream or maybe a chilled glass of your favorite cocktail. You might want to hold that thought because just like in winter months you can get ailments like cold, pneumonia and flu during winters, in summers you can get dehydration, heat stroke, headaches and hot flushes just because of your diet. So today, we have brought to you 10 summer foods, you might certainly relish in these months but they are ultimately bad for you! Have a look-

Charred meats/ Chicken/ Fish


Fan of Barbeque? Well, this is going to be really tough on you but this causes a lot of harm as animal proteins are cooked at high temperatures. The meat is cooked directly over an open flame or griller or maybe even pan frying or broilers. Which due to the high temperatures heightens your risk of cancer a great deal. According to experts, "You certainly don't need meat, or really any animal meat, every day, from a nutritional perspective.” So, you don’t have to worry about your nutritional requirements either.

Hot dogs

`Hot dogs

Another buzz kill right? Well, processed meat like hot dogs are even worse than plain barbequed meat. Did you know the WHO blames colorectal cancer directly on these sausages? And that is not all it is linked to stomach cancer as well! Apart from hot dogs any meat that is salted, cured or smoked or even deli meats like deli meats like salami, ham, and turkey are actually bad for your health. The WHO even classified processed meats in the same category as that of asbestos and tobacco.

Ice Creams

Ice Creams

We all love ice creams, don’t we? But did you know this summer food as actually harmful to your health? Loaded with fat and lots of sugar, this yummy dessert is actually the cause of many health hazards including obesity, cholesterol and even diabetes. While you might feel refreshed after having one bar in scorching heat but it is ultimately bad for you. They are also loaded with food dyes that are linked directly to cancer, DNA damage, and autoimmune flare-ups. The easy way out is to consume any real fruit popsicle or hydrating yourself with coconut water!

Your favorite cocktails- Alcohol


As much as you’d love a cool and refreshing Cosmopolitan or a chilled glass of wine alcohol in general increases your hunger, lows your metabolism, dehydrates your body, lowers your immunity system making you susceptible to various diseases and inhibits nutrient absorption. This loaded with sugar syrups for your cocktail is literally the worst! Even if your cocktail is made up of fresh juice it will have lots of calories and sugar that you might as well benefit from not consuming at all. Alcohol also increases your body temperature just in a few drinks which are certainly not good for summers.

Conventionally grown produce

Conventionally grown produce

These fruits expose you to large amounts of pesticides and some of them are adulterated for sure. Exposure to these pesticides can lead to weight gain (and we seriously don’t want that), developmental issues in children who are born to women who are exposed to a lot of pesticides and hormonal disruption. Instead, you should go for organic fruits and vegetables that are free from all these hazardous chemicals. Although you don’t need to spend lots on produce that has an outer peel like orange or maybe banana. According to Monica Auslander, founder of Essence Nutrition in Coral Gables, Florida, “Don't waste your money on organic bananas or oranges; nothing is penetrating those peels but any fruit with a large surface area of exposed skin is a danger zone.”

Dairy products

Dairy products

Thinking about drinking a glass of cold milkshake or iced cold coffee? Well, you might not want to consume that as dairy is no good to you during summer. While the temperature outside is constantly on the rise, milk products like milk, butter, cheese, curd, etc. go through abnormal fermentation in the stomach which can cause indigestion and cause stomach problems in the future. It is better if you drink a cool glass of unsweetened fresh juice instead!

Dry fruits

Dry fruits

Love munching on dry fruits? You might as well want to put a halt to this habit in summers. Although they are loaded with nutrients and are healthy in winters as these tend to increase your body temperature, they are no good during the summer months as you certainly do not want your body temperature to rise with the mercury outside rising already. So, refrain yourself from consuming these products, in summer months as they are of absolutely no good for you. Raisins, on the other hand, can be consumed as they are loaded with nothing but glucose.



Like typical Indian Teekha and Masaledar food? Well definitely, Indian spices like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, pepper, etc make your food jaw-droppingly tasty but they are very harmful to you in these sunny months. Adding these spices in abundance to your food will increase your internal body heat which in turn will make you dehydrated and eventually make you sick. Try to have summer foods that cool down your body temperature and dehydrate you, providing you a great deal of relief from this scorching heat.

Hot beverages


Most of us can not go to work or start our day with a hot cup of coffee, (or chai for some) right? Although you might feel this gives you mor4e energy and gets you in the mode for work, caffeinated beverages not only dehydrate you but also increase your body heat, which is again a big NO-NO for these summer months. The solution? Instead, go for a hot cup of green tea or peppermint tea that is highly beneficial as it will detox your body while getting you ready to work more energetically than ever!



Yup, I know breaks my heart too! The king of fruits and most awaited fruit in summer months especially in Indian households in Mango. The fruit is grown on a large scale in available abundantly throughout, but did you know Mango is actually not good for you in summers? This delicious fruit when consumed in summers not only increases body heat but also gives a rise to various ailments like diarrhea, stomach upset, headaches etc. So cut back on mangoes and go for fruits with a lot of water content like melons and grapes that will keep you hydrated and going these summers!