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Coronavirus : Surviving in the time of Corona | Lockdown

As we know there is no cure for coronavirus to date and our scientists and researchers are working day and night to get the cure. First of all, Alldatmatterz urge you to wash your hands regularly and take all precautions to stay away from the virus.

Coronavirus has been a major problem across the globe since the last month. It is a communicable disease with spreads majorly through droplet infection that’s through sneezing, coughing. A sudden outbreak of the disease has created havoc in the entire world.

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With the outbreak of Coronavirus known as Covid-19, it has been declared as a pandemic affecting over 5 lakh civilians over the globe. China, Italy, Iran, and Spain have been hit majorly with Coronavirus where the death rate is 10 per day. Consequently, global economies have shunned down due to the slow-down of sales and services.

India is among the list of Covid-19 affected nations as well. Still, the effect has not been profound. The most affected states include Maharashtra, Kerala, and Rajasthan where the maximum number of cases is discovered. Owing to such conditions, the Indian Government has put crowded places at a halt like schools, offices, universities, local markets and so on. Another major decision that the honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi took was to announce “Janta Curfew”.

During his press release on 19th March, he announced that the entire nation will be put under a curfew popularly known as “Janta Curfew”. Under this, pupils will have to stay inside their homes voluntarily to avoid contact with the prospect cases of Covid-19. Alongside, he requested the nation to stand in their balconies and at doors at 5 pm to applaud for the brave efforts put in by the doctors, police, medical staff and other concerned departments. A thought like this has immense significance as many unsung heroes stand at service for the people.

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People of India were seen following protocol throughout the curfew and at 5 pm so many were seen in their balconies clapping and applauding all those at work. Many were also seen breaking rules of the curfew by celebrating outdoors. The applause did give a festive look to the curfew and the energy came to the entire day of silence.

Many used a Conch shell instead of claps as it is believed to kill the Covid-19 germs that have been a serious concern for a considerable time now. If the entire nation blows Conch shells altogether it can be a serious threat for Covid-19 germs that is they can be eliminated thus bringing the peace back again. Imagine multiplying the power of a conch shell by billion times, it will shake the heavens and hell to get us out of the coronavirus trap.

There was a lot off beliefs that revolved around the same day and it is surely something that would be written as history. As India progresses into the third stage of Corona Virus Pandemic, the rules around the lockdown have become strict and the Prime Minister himself has announced a 21-day lockdown across the country.

                                               lockdown in india

In view of the upcoming state of the country, amid Corona Virus pandemic, the government is also gearing up to ensure that the citizens face the least amount of problems while being home. As responsible citizens who care for each other's health, we must do our best to stay inside. This is the only true way to survive in the time of the Corona Virus.

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