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Did You Know Why August 15 Was Selected As India’s Independence Day?

Independence Day is a day while people in India pay respect to the freedom fighter and their leaders. The time leading up to Independence Day is a period when major government constructions are illuminated with cords of lights and the tricolor bets from homes as well as other buildings.

Online media broadcast, along with print may have special plans, contests to endorse the day. Cinemas around India's freedom fighters are as well shown on TV.

The president of India, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind delivers the '"Address to the Nation" on the evening before of Independence Day. Prime minister of India unfurls India's flag along with holds a speech in Old Delhi, at the Red Fort. Flag hoisting programs also the cultural programs are detained in the state capitals as well as often involve several organizations and schools.

Whereas India's Independence Day is rejoiced with as much enjoyment and patriotic philosophy as one can assembly, the story of just how the date itself was selected all those days ago is a pretty mesmerizing one also.

As with the whole thing else in those days, the cause (or maybe the blame), lies only with a certain British Lord as well as his heightened intelligence of self-worth.

In what way 15th August turns out to be India’s Freedom Day?

The British parliament ordered Lord Mountbatten to transmission the central controls to Indian leaders through 30th June, in the year of 1948.

As said by, C Rajagopalachari, an Indian politician as well as independence activist, the uncertainty Lord Mountbatten had paused till June 1948, there’d have been no authority left to transfer. It was the cause that Mountbatten preponed the time to August 1947 along with transferred all the governing authorities.

Later the 2nd World War, the British were severely enfeebled both militarily and monetarily. This had obviously caused in a bit of a mess on the structural front, and matters, for example, the date of a colony's independence was not leading on their minds.

Mountbatten as well claimed that through preponing the date, there’ll be no bloodshed otherwise riot. His theory passes on wrong and later he defensible by saying where the colonial rule was over, there has been violence. That is the value you pay.”

In 1929, while Jawaharlal Nehru asked for ‘Poorna Swaraj’ as the Congress President, 26th January was selected as the day of Independence. Actually, Congress continued to rejoice this day till 1950 while it was confirmed as Republic Day post-India freedom. The day noticeable India as an independent, free from any British rule.

So, in what way did 15th August turn out to be the particular day Indian would be free from British rule?

As stated by the historical proofs, the British parliament had assumed Lord Mountbatten the order to transfer the authority by June 30, 1948. Nevertheless, given the gravity of the condition and India’s irresistible Independence revolution, there’d have been no authority to transfer had the British delayed till 1948, according to C Rajagopalachari.

Henceforth, the Indian Independence Bill was presented in the British House of Commons on 4th July, 1947, also was passed in a fortnight. It stated the end of the British interference in India on 15th August and the formation of Dominions of India as well as Pakistan, allowing them to regress from the British Nation.

In what way did Japan derive into the scene?

Well, on 15th August, 1945, Japanese Ruler Hirohito had revealed a recorded address that far along came to be recognized as the Jewel Voice Transmission. He had broadcast the surrender of Japan to the associated.

Mountbatten himself had contracted the formal Japanese capitulation as the Supreme Associated Commandant of the South East Asia Command on 4th September, 1945. Marking the 2nd anniversary of the day Japan capitulated; India got its Freedom on August 15th.

Officially, the Indian Freedom Bill gave 15th as the day of independence for together India and Pakistan. The 1st stamp issuing Pakistan its independence stated 15th August as the great day. Jinnah, in his 1st speech to Pakistan, had told:

15th August is the birthdate of the sovereign and the independent state of Pakistan. It symbols the serenity of the destiny of the Muslim country which made countless sacrifices in the last few years to get its motherland.

Though, from 1948 onwards, Pakistan commencing celebrating 14th August as its Freedom Day, either for the reason that the ceremony for handover of power in Karachi was detained on 14th August, 1947, or for the reason that of 14th August, 1947, was the twenty seventh of Ramadan, an actually sacred day to the Muslims.

Whereas the dates for India’s freedom do mark a day while history was formed, the sheer fight and patriotism showcased by together countries in achieving that independence are nowhere linked to a number on the datebook.

Public Life

Freedom Day is a gazette leave in India on 15th August each year. State, national also local government offices, post offices as well as banks are closed on this special day. Shops and other businesses along with organizations may be closed otherwise have shortened opening periods.

Public transport is generally unaffected as several locals travel for festivities but there may be hefty traffic and enlarged security in areas where there are merriments. Freedom Day flag hosting ceremonies may reason few disturbances to traffic, mainly in Delhi as well as other places of India.


The fight for India's Independence commenced in 1857 through the Sepoy Mutiny in Meerut. Far along, in the twentieth era, the National Congress of Indian as well as other political administrations, underneath the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi, hurled a nationwide freedom movement. Colonial authorities were shifted to India on 15th August, 1947.

The Constituent Assembly, to who control was to be shifted, met to celebrate India's freedom at 11pm on 14th August, 1947. India expanded its liberty and turn out to be a free country at midnight amid August 14 as well as August 15, 1947.

This was at that time, that free India's 1st prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru addresses his renowned "Tryst with Destiny" speech. Public crosswise India is repeated of the sense of this occasion - that it noticeable the beginning of a new period of release as of the British colonialism that took place in India aimed at extra than two hundred years.