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Newborn Baby Weight Hacks

How is the child's weight measured?

A child's weight is a meaningful means of measuring how it grows and develops during pregnancy and even after birth. It is also important that parents and doctors can take immediate action if something is wrong. Most pediatricians measure child development between regular appointments in the first year, with careful attention in the first six months. Weights are recorded and become a guide for how a child will grow individually. However, it should be noted that these measurements are only relevant to infants and should not be used for comparisons. Constant weight gain between appointments is what the doctor is looking for.

Important information about the child's weight

When it comes to a growing baby, the way the needle moves in a weight machine can change the way we visualize our children. But is this all in children's weight? Here we collect 10 important points

Get started early: your baby's birth weight is highly dependent on you. The weight of a woman throughout her life is more important than just pregnancy in itself. Therefore, a balanced diet, even before pregnancy, helps to have a baby with a healthy weight. This is the reason why preplanning has become so important recently.

The weight gain is even greater in the last stage: many women worry when they don't gain much weight during the first and second trimester of pregnancy. However, unless your doctors tell you to worry, keep these concerns away. Excess fetal weight gain in the last third, most likely in the eighth and ninth months. If the fetus is found to be underweight during ultrasound, mothers are advised to add some foods to their diet during pregnancy to gain the baby's weight. Pregnant mother should focus on following a balanced diet in these months to have a healthy baby.

Average weight of Indian children: The average weight of a healthy Indian child is between 2.7 and 2.9 kg. The average weight gain is higher during the first three months after birth. About 200 grams per week. Any child weighing less than 2.5 kg is classified by the World Health Organization as a child who is underweight, regardless of their birth date.

The formula makes babies full: Babies who breastfeed from the formula tend to gain weight compared to babies who are breastfed. Experts believe this is due to a lack of self-regulation, according to hunger (found in breastfeeding). When breastfeeding depends on the application being presented, in one formula the baby will drink as much as possible. But this is not always a health condition. Obese children are not necessarily healthy

Each child is unique: each child starts with a different weight and has their own growth rate. Absolute body weight is not of different ages, but its growth pattern is the most important. The child must gain weight over a period of time.

Weight gain schedules: A child with optimal nutrition doubles weight at the age of 5 months and doubles its weight three times in one year. From birth to 6 months, children earn 140-200 grams per week. After 6 months until their first birthday, children grow from 85 to 140 grams each week.
Second year weight gain: During the second year, weight gain was slower. Total weight gain for the whole year from 2 kg to 2.5 kg. In the third year, weight gain is reduced to 1.5 kg to 2 kg throughout the year.
It varies for different children: there is no specific weight that can be considered an ideal or a healthy weight. The healthy weight of each individual child, within the standard ranges (+/- 10%). For example, if the standard weight of a two-year-old is 12.5 kg, we accept the range from 11.25 kg to 13.75 kg, which is +/- 10% of 12.5 healthy weight

Weight is not the only indicator of growth: Weight gain is not the only indicator of child development. Gaining height is an equally important indicator of a child's development. Therefore, sometimes if your child is not gaining a lot of weight but is gaining a good height, it means that he is in good shape. There is always a link in development and children have times when they do not gain much weight and may lose even a few grams.

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