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Other virus outbreak, other than corona around the world

As if the Corona is not enough to handle by mankind. There are other viruses as well from which the population is getting infected.

Apart from coronavirus, there are other viruses that are affecting the lives of the mass population across the world.

In Indonesia, dengue has affected more than 40,000 people which is a hike of around 16% as compared to the last year. To combat the problem of the current scenarios all across the world hospitals are preparing themselves to combat with the novel COVID-19.

                                    dengue virus transmission

In Latin America, argentine has more dengue cases than coronavirus.

The center for Disease Control and prevention are reporting cases of Dengue in Singapore, Philipines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is scrambling to contain a new flare-up of an Ebola outbreak that began in the year 2018. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported a series of new cases in April month. As per the reports, there were around 3,500 cases of Ebola confirmed cases until 5th May.

Health workers are also racing up to vaccinate against the Yellow Fever in Ethiopia, where the outbreak killed four people at the end of April. Saudi Arabia is battling with the outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, commonly known as MERS.

Viral outbreaks are hitting animals around the world, too.

India and South Africa are both fighting with the African Swine Fever, which is highly contagious. In 2018, the virus was traced in Asia also which almost killed 10% of the pig population. In the US, some officials confirmed that in April a fatal strain of influenza has been detected and infected the commercial flock of Turkey in South Carolina. If it continues to spread it might affect the poultry industry which is already is been affected by the COVID-19.

After the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus across the world, there was also the news of the spread of the Hantavirus.

Hanta Virus is a family of virus spread mainly by rodents. Hantavirus in America is also known as ‘New World’ hantavirus. It is found mostly in the areas of  Europe and Asia. Hantavirus can cause Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, which is infectious disease characterized by flu-like symptoms. It can progress rapidly to potentially life-threatening breathing problems. It can also cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndromes.

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