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Facebook: A Multilingual Platform For The Ease Of Communication

The World Wide Web is a global phenomenon that is meant for the people all across the globe. Have you ever wondered what internet would be like if it wasn't multilingual? Although, as we all know that the Lingua Franca is English which is the most widely used internationally for communication and business, it is essential to introduce other languages so that people who are not fluent with English also get to stay in touch. This holds equally true regarding Facebook. Facebook connects people from different parts of the world together. Imagine not being able to read the translations of other languages into yours for a day. You'd end up losing interest, wouldn't you?

However, the translation service that is provided is not to be trusted for great results. For instance, the Spanish writing “Esto si que es confiar en tu amo!” may get translated as “This if it’s to trust your master!” Two of these aren't even remotely related to one another! Imagine what a fuss the entire world would be in!

Why Does One Post In Multiple Languages?

The need for posting in multiple languages is most common among those who use Facebook for the purpose of digital marketing. They are the most obvious users of this multilingual feature of Facebook as they have their customers spread widely across the globe. The people from different countries and speaking in different languages follow their business page and therefore, they should be having the provision of catering all their needs. How can an Irish person get to know about your French firm? So now, these companies can, instead of depending on Facebook to translate, include a number of different languages in one single post.

The multinational companies also own Facebook pages all of which have followers who use different languages to communicate. Having the facility of multiple languages can help the company to make their prospects available to a large number of people and thus, making their marketing campaign simple. This is one of the methods in which the companies can face the cut throat competition of the market of raging and stiff competition. This doesn't only hold true for the multinational companies but also a number of smaller companies who fetch their clients from different countries like Belgium, Canada, and Switzerland and so on.

This will widen their business. Would you not agree that an effective and accurate communication is the key to the success of a company?

Making Multilingual Posts

How do you make a multilingual post? One has to enable the setting first. Once the setting is enabled, a new option appears in the text box. Once something is typed in the text box, an option appears asking if you want to write the post in another language. Another box appears below where the same post can be written in another language. In this manner, the same post can be typed in a number of different languages and bingo! No misinterpretations!