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ISRO launches earth monitoring satellite to get pollution, soil, water data

The Indian satellite, Hyper Spectral Imaging Satellite (HySIS), will help in monitoring pollution from industries.

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) successfully launched an Earth observation satellite, along with 30 micro and nanosatellites from eight other countries, on Thursday after a 16-hour countdown.

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The 31 satellites were launched at 09:58 am in two different orbits by the Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV C43) on its 45th flight.

The Indian satellite, the hyper-spectral imaging satellite (HySIS), will help control pollution in industries, according to ISRO. It will also have other applications in agriculture, forestry, geology, studies of coastal zones and inland water studies.

"The satellite will observe the surface of the earth and provide all the earth, water, vegetation, and other data. Scientists can choose and choose what they want, but monitoring pollution will be possible, "said an ISRO official on condition of anonymity.

The satellite, which weighs almost 380 kg, will be placed in a synchronous polar orbit in the sun of 636 km, where the satellite passes over any geographical area of the Earth when the sun's inclination is the same. He will have a five-year mission life.

The launch vehicle also had on board one microsatellite and 29 nanosatellites from Australia, Canada, Columbia, Finland, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Spain, and the US. Of these, one microsatellite and 22 nanosatellites are from the United States.

So far, the PSLV has launched 52 Indian and 239 international satellites from 28 countries.