RSVP Movies, the renowned production house led by Ronnie Screwvala is all set to release "Tejas," featuring Kangana Ranaut, on the 27th of October. In a delightful tribute to Gandhi Jayanti, the highly anticipated teaser of the film has been unveiled, offering the audience a glimpse into the unwavering valor and determination of the Indian Air Force, poised to dominate the battlefield.
Introducing Kangana Ranaut in the central role of Air Force pilot Tejas Gill, the teaser is adorned with a spine-tingling background score and profoundly stirring visuals that fill one with pride and inspiration. The teaser effectively ignites a sense of national pride and promises an exhilarating and action-packed cinematic experience. Furthermore, it revs up the adrenaline with the impactful dialogue, "Bharat ko chhedoge to chhodenge nahin," building anticipation for the forthcoming trailer scheduled for release on October 8th, 2023.
Tejas" is a captivating narrative that orbits around the remarkable odyssey of Tejas Gill, an Air Force pilot. The film's primary objective is to serve as a wellspring of inspiration, kindling a profound sense of national pride within every Indian. It meticulously portrays the relentless dedication of our Air Force pilots, who labor relentlessly to safeguard our nation. Throughout their arduous journey, they confront a multitude of challenges, each testifying to their unwavering commitment and valor.
Under the banner of RSVP, "Tejas" features Kangana Ranaut in the leading role. Crafted by the talented writer and director Sarvesh Mewara and brought to life by producer Ronnie Screwvala, this film is Scheduled for a theatrical release on October 27, 2023.