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Google is removing Paytm from Google Play due to policy violation

Google pulled digital payments giant Paytm from its Play Store on Friday, stating that the app allows customers to play games online, making sports betting easier.

Earlier today, Google India released as part of its blog its new guidelines against gambling policies in the country.

This is the first time that the main Paytm app has been removed from the Google Play Store, while other apps such as the wealth management app, Paytm money; Merchant app, Paytm for Business; The movie tickets app, Paytm Insider, is still on the Play Store for now.

“We have the same goals for our gambling policy. We do not allow online gambling clubs and do not support any unregulated gambling applications that facilitate sports betting. This includes whether an app leads a consumer to an external website that allows them to participate in paid tournaments to win real money or cash prizes, that's a violation of our policies, ”said Major Google Search on their blog.

Google also added that it has these policies in place to protect users from potential harm.

“When an app violates these policies, we inform the developer of the violation and remove the app from Google Play until the developer is committed to the app. In the event of repeated policy violations, we may take more serious measures which may include terminating Google Play developer accounts. Google India said our policies apply. And impose it on all developers consistently. "



Most of the popular online gaming platforms, including Dream 11 and WinZO, although MPL had two separate apps, as the app on the Play Store was free to play and didn't allow anyone to put in the cash, the app was never re-imposed.


Most real money gaming platforms' apps can be downloaded directly from their official websites and uploaded to phones. And Mobile Premier League (MPL) which allows players to put in real money and then reward them with cash prizes, either not listed or removed from the Play Store. For example, MPL launched on Play Store in October 2018 and launched in May 2019.

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