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6 Fruit Seeds You Can Eat To Improve Your Health

Many people think that fruit seeds are bad for health. This is the main response I get from people after I tell them that they can eat apple seeds or the core of apples. These seeds will not be poisonous, and they won’t grow a mini plant in your abdomen. Actually, many fruit seeds contain useful amino acids and vitamins. However too much of a good thing is also bad. It is not recommended to eat a huge amount of seeds as they interfere with digestion, yet if 4-5 seeds are injected they do more good than harm. Bottom line is, take everything in control.

  1.    CHIA SEEDS

Chia seeds are highly rich in iron and folate which are essential nutrients as well as calcium and magnesium that are needed for proper bone development. They contain omega-3 fatty acids and are high in soluble fibre. These Chia seeds are very similar to flaxseeds which are also nutritionally important, because they are also an excellent source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as a huge variety of other nutrients like Thiamine (vitamin B1), Manganese and proteins. 1-ounce (28-gram) of chia seeds contains 137 calories and 10.6 grams fiber. Like flaxseeds, they also contain several important antioxidants like polyphenols. Eating chia seeds can also increase ALA in the blood. Alpha levulinic acid is a vital omega-3 fatty acid that can help decrease inflammation. Chia seeds also help to reduce blood sugar. Another research found that, in addition to reducing blood sugar, chia seeds help you to reduce appetite.


Sunflower seeds contain a lot of protein, vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. Sunflower seeds are also associated with reduced inflammation in aged people, which may aid in reducing the danger of heart disease. Eating sunflower seeds was said to be connected with reduced amounts of C-reactive protein (CRP) which is a key chemical involved in inflammation.

Sunflower seed also helps to reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The sunflower seed diet lessened triglycerides in the blood. These seeds contain very high levels of both fats namely, monounsaturated and omega-6 fats and help reduce inflammation and cholesterol levels. These are also a good source of folate, which boosts immunity and vitamin E (an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage).

  1.    APPLE SEEDS:

Although these do contain a hint of cyanide yet consuming even 20 apple seeds is not fatal to humans. Vitamin B17, also known as laetrile, is present in high amounts in apple seeds and has been found to help cure cancer.


Papaya seeds are commonly consumed by those who live in tropical areas to help prevent parasite infestation in the body. They contain a proteolytic enzyme, papain, that helps in digesting proteins. Papaya seeds also contain an anthelmintic alkaloid called carpaine, that also helps kill parasitic worms and amoebas.

Papaya seeds contain a beneficial glucosinolate (a sulfur-containing glucoside) called glucotropaeolin, which when metabolized by the body, creates one of the strongest anti-cancer compounds called isothiocyanate.


Like flaxseeds, sesame seeds contain a lot of lignans, particularly one called sesamin. In fact, sesame seeds are the best known dietary source of lignans. Aother type of lignan called enterolactone is produced by the action of gut bacteria on these seeds. Enterolactone can act like the sex hormone estrogen, and lower-than-normal levels of this lignan in the body have been associated with heart disease and breast cancer  Sesame seeds may also help in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress,


Pumpkin seeds are one of the most commonly consumed types of seeds and are good sources of phosphorus, monounsaturated fats, and omega-6 fats. Pumpkin seeds are also good sources of phytosterols which are plant compounds that may help lower blood   Pumpkin also may help improve heart health and symptoms of urinary disorders.