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Know About The Daily routine of Kylie Jenner!

The world of the Kardashians is more than Just interesting. Entertaining as well! And no one wants to miss a peep into the world. Of course, if you are a Kardashian enthusiast, then knowing about the two sisters Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner must be nothing short of ecstatic for you.

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Understating how these two sisters spend their day will give you a deeper insight into their lives. Recently the sisters have come out about how they like to spend their day and what are their daily schedules? Of course, the Kendall and Kylie Jenner In 24 Hours schedule are now available for you.

Here we bring you how Kylie spends her 24 hours!

And how does she spend it?

Well, we will break down her daily routine here for you:

Starting her day at 7 in the morning:

She can’t sleep more than that. She wakes up to her phone and checks the social media accounts of Twitter and Instagram! She loves checking her friend’s profiles. She feels that all her friends look pretty in the accounts.

Makeup by 7.15 AM:

Yes, she’s a girl who absolutely cannot do without the makeup. By 7.15 AM she is done with her makeup. And she loves to wear different brands altogether. Her favourite being Giorgio Armani Face Fabric Makeup. She also wears Nars concealer. Apart from that, her favourite lip kit is ger very own Kylie Jenner lip kit! She is quick at her makeup.

Ready by 7.30 AM:

Investing too much of a time on dressing up irks her. Here is a girl who actually knows what to wear and what she wants. She is quite proud of getting all decked up before her friends do. She is into body suits that have long sleeves and also loves adding colours to the same. she ca equally choose jeans and sneakers that by the way she owns in huge numbers.

By 8 AM she completes her breakfast:

Though she’s not much of a breakfast person, yet Kylie loves eating the same when she is at home. The best part about her breakfast is that it is healthy free. She loves hash browns and definitely loves banana pancakes. Apart from the same bacon is a much welcome move in the breakfast.

10 AM recognizes the professional in her:

By 10 AM she is already in her studio working on the various collections of hers. Her work proceeds in accordance to what they have decided to work on that day. They may have a fittings day when the models are tested for the fittings and how they are looking on them. Then they proceed.

Lunch by 12 PM:

She is a timely eater and nothing can mess her eating schedule up. Kylie loves to eat her lunch by 12 PM in the afternoon. She though loves eating in the office. Avoiding the paparazzi or else can be difficult. And what does she love eating? Well, Chinese chicken salad of course! she especially loves having her lunch with Kendell.

2.30 PM they are off:

By 2.30 PM in the afternoon, they leave the office to go out and do stuff that they love. Usually, they go visit their friends and family members. They also make time to visit their babies and be with them. Different days are reserved for different people that they love hanging out with. Kylie mostly loves hanging out with her family.

Health goals by 4.00 PM:

By 4.00 PM in the Kylie starts working out. She shares her trainer with Kourtney and Kanye as well. Her love for blasting music comes from Kourtney and when there is a world-famous musician in the family, then who can stop her from playing his music? She loves working out on Kanye’s music.

A cook by 6.00 PM:

Kylie has started with her passion for cooking. By 6 PM she’s the chef of the house. She is easily found in the kitchen. The best thing that she loves making is any day spaghetti. Also, she loves making burgers. Her love for potatoes is undying and therefore she can have potatoes made in all ways possible.

By 8:00 PM she is a girl next door:

For Kylie, the idea of fun is staying back home. She calls her girlfriends at home and have a fun night out. She absolutely makes sure that they are having the ultimate times of their lives but at home.

By 10:00 PM it is bedtime:

At 10.00 PM in the night, Kylie goes to sleep. Now, who would want to mess up their beauty sleep? But before that, she wipes off her face with Neutrogena face wipes. This helps remove her makeup and then she rubs coconut oil all over her face and body before going to sleep.

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