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SpaceX Starship

SpaceX Starship "SN1" prototype explodes, pressure test failed -  Elon Musk



Prototype of SpaceX’s huge Starship rocket "SN1" expoded and pressure test failed in company's construction yard in Boca Chica, Texas. This is second time when the Starx's rocket failed in the past four months.

We all know that reaching to Mars and moon is not that simple it looks. In order  to take cargo, people to mars and moon, StarX was in the process of developing such ship. Recently, it conducted pressure test with Starship prototype "SN1" which apparently exploded.

Key Facts about SpaceX

  • SpaceX Starship SN1 is like one partial rocket It was a prototype of Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship.
  • SpaceX Starship is a ship which is made with the aim to take people to Mars.
  • According to NASA Spaceflight, the reason for the explosion are - Spacecraft, SN1 exploded when it was ready for takeoff.
  • The reason for explosion was found to be liquid nitrogen. One of the pressure tanks of the SN1 nitrogen gas during a cryogenic pressure test.

After the explosion happened, the CEO of SpaceX and car maker Tesla wrote on Twitter. He shared his thoughts about the failure and also shared a video of the explosion. He wrote, "So… how was your night?"

As per sources, one of the official said, "The purpose of today’s test was to pressurize systems to the max, so the outcome was not completely unexpected. There were no injuries, nor is this a serious setback.”

Keeping in mind that the timeline will shift and delay is expected, Musk shared some plans about the up-to-date model that the company planned to build. He shared that no longer these prototype will be used and new up to date model will be build for flight tests. Musk wrote," This had some value as a manufacturing pathfinder, but flight design is quite different."

Flashback of SpaceX

  • Due to some setbacks in conduct a high-altitude test of its Starship vehicle and meeting deadlines, SpaceX shifted the timeline to 2020.
  • In the month of January 2022, the intention act of company also failed which was to test the capabilities of Starship tank.
  • Also, in the month of November 2019, SpaceX lost a “Mk1” prototype rocket. This was again during pressure test. It destroyed everything which was not at all expected. The reason for the failure of "Mk1" was the again pressurization test when the top popped up.
  • In the current pressure testing, the explosion will make more delay in the mission.
  • The next test flight of Starship in will be possible in the coming months with an altitude up to about 12.4 miles (20 km).


About SpaceX

SpaceX was founded by Musk in 2002. The company is working on the direction of building space ships. Space ships are on with a mission to reach mars that too with people and cargo. Its mission is to bring life on the red planet. Starship’s architecture is such that it is having a spaceship with the capacity of taking 100 people at a time. They named it Super Heavy or Giant rocket. The giant rocket will help the Starship passenger spacecraft launch into space and orbit between Earth and Mars.

 Video  - It will show you a view of the company's Boca Chica construction in Texas, where Starship prototype "SN1" apparently exploding during a pressure test -