Holi, riots of various colours is the one of the prominent Hindu festivals. Though it’s fun to splash colours on each other and enjoy the merry making, it might be damaging for hair and skin if proper precautions are not taken. So here we bring few tips to maintain hair and skin this Holi, shared by none other than, Shikhee Agarwal, Head-Training, The Body Shop India. Here is what the expert says-

Before Going for Holi bash:
Apply Sunscreen 20 mins. before stepping out:

Holi is an outdoor flurry and customarily sunny and the first thing uttermost importance is the face that is at the risk of getting blemished. To avoid the unwanted skin tanning and skin problems, it’s best to apply a sunscreen 20 mins. before stepping out. Sunscreen that contains a SPF higher than SPF 20 can give better result. Now a days sunscreens have built-in moisturizers so one can use them on arms and other exposed areas too. This will protect the skin from the sun as well as the colors.
Don’t Ignore Fingernails:

Fingernails are equally important as face especially during Holi where the sensitivity of cuticles and nails are evident. So it is best to pay attention to areas like fingernails and apply transparent nail varnish, polish or a petroleum jelly as a protective coating. This helps to protect the nails from absorbing Holi colors and keep the stains off.
Protect your Hair with Oil:

Holi colours can presumably damage your Hair to a great extent. Applying Coconut or even a normal hair oil, half an hour before stomping out can cutback the damage scope to a nominal level. The oil with its natural ingredients will make a shield on your hair to reduce the ill effect of harmful colours and will make it easy for you to get rid of it later. Also, it’s best to tie your hair down rather than leaving them open for all the obvious reasons.
Apply Lip Balm:

Don’t forget to apply lots of lip balm on lips just like fingernails. As there’s always a risk of colour entering into the mouth through lips, it would be nice to apply a thick layer of lip balm jelly generously over them so that the Holi colour does not get stick to them. It will also help them to stay softer and maintain the moisture without turning them dry and pale.
After Attending Holi Bash:
Cleansing the right way:

Once all the celebration is over, comes the real problem of removing the colors from the face. First, rinse the face with plain water and then apply a cleansing cream or face lotion so that it gets clean from deep within. It is important that all the impurity and toxic substances are removed from the skin pores. So it is suitable to use a cleanser containing less of chemical elements and more of natural ingredients like Tea Tree. It will also help you to get rid of blemishes.
Shampooing & Conditioning Hair:

Wash off the colours with a good Shampoo having natural vitality to wash away the noxious substances from hair. Also once done with the washing part, remember to apply conditioner as hair needs to have the nourishment, shine and strength that a good conditioner offers to give.
Apply Eye Cream:

After all the exposing to Sun and harmful hues and toxic elements flying in the air all throughout the day, our eyes become really stressful. It is important to apply a good and efficient eye cream full of vitamin E before dozing off to sleep. This will make you feel fresh in the next morning and will clear your dark circles and patches overnight.