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5 reasons why being single is awesome AF!

Have you recently come out of a relationship? are you always surrounded by lovey-dovey cheesy couples?Or have you been single for pretty long and think you are destined to die a lonely death? Well, fear not, we bring to you 5 reasons to get over your sadness and tell you exactly why being single is better than anything else in the world!

Become a better version of yourself

This is your “spare” time! Make it worthwhile; try to become a better version of yourself during this time! Read that book that has been on your shelf since long or start working some more and splurge on that beautiful dress you always wanted to.

You have your independence

You can do what you want when you want. No more do you have to check in with someone and give them all the details about your whereabouts. You can roam around without any hassles and come back to peace. Finally, the freedom everyone desires!

You can have endless night out with your friends

Weirdly enough partners have a tendency to get upset when their counterpart hangs out with their friends by themselves. Well, you do not have to deal with the tantrums after a fun night out, you can have one every day and still be carefree. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Freedom to go out with whoever you like

There a sea full of fishes out there. It is time you explore your options, go out with different people and there still will be absolutely no guilt. It can be a casual date or a dinner date with your crush; the sky is the limit for you now!

More money for yourself

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Trust me on this one, it is expensive being in a relationship. From dinner to gifting everything adds up to a hefty amount of cash which is now all yours! You can either splurge this on yourself or save up for something big in the near future.

Your happiness lies in your hands, not in someone else’s pocket. So, go ahead and enjoy your life instead of cribbing for someone. After all, life is too short to miss out on being happy.

Stay tuned for more.