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Coronavirus news: Lambda variant of coronavirus is lethal than Delta variant

So far, the Lambda variant has been detected in 30 countries, the ministry said. In the UK, there are six cases of lambda, which has been classified as a "variant of interest" by the World Health Organization.

The lambda type of coronavirus has been found to be more deadly than Delta variant, which was first detected in India, according to the Malaysian Ministry of Health. He added that lambda variant cases have been detected in more than 30 countries in the past four weeks.

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"It has been reported that the lambda strain originated in Peru, the country with the highest mortality rate in the world," the Malaysian Ministry of Health said on Twitter on Monday.

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He cited a report from Australian news portal saying that the lambda strain had also been detected in the UK. The Star reports that researchers are concerned that this variant may be "more contagious than the delta variant."

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Euronews, citing the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), reported that lambda represented about 82 percent of samples of coronavirus cases reported during May and June in Peru.

In Chile, another South American country, the strain accounts for more than 31 percent of May and June samples, according to Euro News.

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To date, no case of the Lambda variant has been detected in India. Neighboring countries, which are experiencing delta-variable prevalence, have also not reported it.

However, countries such as France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy, which have a travel agreement with India, have reported this alternative stated in the coronavirus latest news.

As India’s covid-19 news, India  prepares to implement lockdown measures in all states, it should be on the lookout for any new variants, which could unleash a new wave of infections.

Image credit - The Sun 

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