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Press freedom day celebration across the world

Media plays an important role in everyone’s life and it should be free in order to express views and opinions without any pressure of any party or individual. In order to support the freedom of media, World Press Freedom Day is celebrated every year on 3rd May in different parts of the world.

The Press freedom day is celebrated all over the world on 3rd May and this is the day when the journalists, news reporters and every person related to media is given respect and honor for the honest work. This is the day which commemorates the freedom of the press in the different parts of the world. It is really important for people to know the advantage of press freedom.

What is the reason behind the celebration of World freedom day?

This day is very significant among the world history and it began in order to protect the functioning of media in society. The journalists should be honored for their work and that’s why a special day was made to respect the freedom of media.  Media freedom day is celebrated by keeping basic human expression and speech rights in mind. In the year 1993, this day was marked as the freedom media day.

There are certain principles of the press and those needs to be remembered by every citizen of the country. Every person of the country should respect the press and the media shouldn’t be attacked from putting their views among the general public. The journalists who come ahead to put their lives on stake to provide the best information to the people should be awarded. It is basically an event which is held to protect the press freedom from getting violated.

The citizens of every country should be informed about the freedom of the press. There is a number of countries where media people are attacked, harassed and killed due to their freedom of speech. So, press freedom was made to be celebrated on a particular day every year to let the people know more about it in detail.

Know about Press freedom benefits and disadvantages

There are a lot of Press pros and cons among which one should know some of the basic points. The freedom of the press allows people to get correct information about the scams and various scandals happening all over the world. If the journalists are hardworking and honest, then the citizens of the country can get appropriate information about every event happening in the country and all over the world.

The cons related to press freedom basically involves fake news.  These days, there are a lot of journalists and the local public who are spreading fake news to make fool of the public.  The misinformation of any fact shouldn't be tolerated and it should be prohibited. The freedom of the press doesn’t involve fake news in it and this should be kept in mind by the journalists.

How world freedom day does is celebrated?

The Press freedom day is celebrated in different parts of the world with the arrangement of cultural programs and other demonstrations. It is done to determine the freedom of the press in the countries. This is the day when the famous media employees should be awarded the deserving awards. The people who make contributions to the press should be awarded for their achievements so that the youngsters come ahead to become better in their lives.  

Amazing celebration views

When it comes to talking about press freedom, then India ranks at the 136th position and India needs to do a lot more in order to enhance freedom of the press. Freedom of speech& expression is given to every person. There is no mention of press freedom in the constitution but it has become the right of every press employee to be free to speak anything which is for the benefit of the country and it shouldn’t harm the sentiments of any group or society. There is a number of pros of artificial intelligence due to which press is gaining attention among the youngsters. The press is a platform which increases awareness among people about various actions and events happening all over the country.

In order to celebrate Media freedom day in a better way, people should gather and organize events. The government should also organize conferences, seminars, and events to resolve the issues related to press freedom. Not only the journalists but the general public should also attend those events. Even in schools and colleges, the functions should be organized on this day to motivate students to free about their expression and speech.