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Holi- The Festival of Colors Must Be Safe One with Organic and Natural Colors

The winter seasons are bid farewell with the colorful festival of Holi. It is one of the most colorful festivals where everyone plays with color and Enjoy. With the arrival of spring, nature brings to us a new colorful vibe which is being enjoyed by us. Today people play with colors and mainly gulal that is a colored powder. Earlier also people used to play with these color but they were all made from organic sources. They were made from colors, vegetables and leaves too. They use to make the colors at home and then use those for the Holi. The greatest advantage of such colors was that it was totally safe for the skin.

Why people of these days prefer the readymade colors?

Due to lack of time and also physical energy, this generation is not able to put so much for the holi color. Instead we depend much on the readymade colors which are available in the market. They are of variety and attractive colors which looks good and help up to enjoy with them. But researches have shown that these cheap colors available at market are of low grade. They are made with harmful substances and chemicals. Even sometimes lead, glass, mica are also being mixed with these colors. All these ingredients are very harmful or the skin and can cause many issues. Not only are these, some of the chemicals also absorbed by the body which may cause many skin problems later on. An expert says those colors cause harms after they are being washed off.

Not only on our skin, they can cause equal harm to the environment and soil too. Researchers has tested the soil after mixed with such colors and found that they are readily made of polymers which cannot degrade in any way. Thus our environment is also affected by such colors.

So what will you do? Will we not play holi for such colors? Here is guide how to celebrate chemical free holi.

Tips to make homemade color

Well, that will make us sad. So why not opt for organic colors which are safe and also attractive. Yes the organic colors made form natural ingredients are totally safe for the body. If you have time and manpower to make colors from such natural ingredients then that is a great option. Here are some of the tips to get the colors from natural sources.

  • To make homemade gulal or holi color powder, you can take 200gm of Maida or arrowroot. Mix it with marigolds, yellow cooking color, turmeric powder, sandalwood powder. Mix 8 to 10 drops of sandalwood oil to it and your home made gulal is ready.
  • To get the orange color, boil marigold flower and leave it soaked for overnight
  • For the red color, soak the pomegranate peels or beetroot powder. Hibiscus flower si another great option for the red color
  • For blue colors you can soak the aparijita flower for overnight.
  • For pink color, dried pink rose can be great option.
  • For green color make paste of green leafy vegetable and then add water with it, which makes a great green color.
  • Turmeric powder is great for making the yellow color. This particular color has a great property of staining everything except the human skin.


How to buy the right natural colors?

If you are not having time to make so much preparations, then confirm that you are buying the organic and natural colors and gulal. You can find many such companies selling the natural colors, but don’t get sure about it after checking all the ingredients of the package. Check out the guide to buy the right natural color:

  • Check out with the Ayurvedic medicine brands who sell the natural colors at this time. Check out these companies.
  • Natural cosmetic brands can also be good option, if they are from renowned brands.
  • Look for the certification of the company which is very important and confirms about the natural ingredients of the product.
  • Even if the package says that the color is natural, then also don’t forget to check the ingredient list. Confirm before buying that the color does not contain any kind of chemicals in it.
  • Even some local companies sell the organic colors but they must be of reputed brands. If you are not sure about their source, don’t take risks.

Skin care regimen on pre and post holi

Even after so much cautious and steps, some people use those harmful colors. So we need to take steps to prevent risks to our skin. Find out the basic steps which we should take to prevent various effects on the skin.

  • Before you start playing holi, make sure you apply oil on your skin. Even hair should be oiled so that the color does not penetrate the skin and hair too. Applying oil can make it easier to remove the colors while washing. Olive oil can be best to apply on the skin.
  • For taking care of the nail, apply petroleum jelly over the hand which will not stain it with different colors.
  • Before washing the colors, it is best to get cleared from all the dry colors or gulal. This would help to avoid the muddy texture of the gulal which can simplify the washing task.
  • Apply natural or homemade scrubs while washing which would remove the colors gently.
  • Don’t try to wash off all colors at once. This can cause damage to the sensitive skin.
  • In case the colors get into eyes then apply cool rose water. So keep rose water in fridge.
  • In case of skin allergies and rashes, a paste of sandalwood can also be applied to the skin which can soothe the skin.


Well, so this how you can plan out your holi of 2019. Holi is a festival of fun and enjoyment. So, one must be involved in the fun and not in harm. These preventive measures should be taken to avoid any kind of accidents. A safe holi is expected by all which would bring in lots of happiness and enjoyment. Hope you will also have a safe and celebrate chemical free holi this year with your family and friends.
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