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Things to do this Valentine’s Day if You Are Single

Singlehood is Special


Valentine’s day is a week away and most single people are already fed up of cliché love lines and Arjit Singh’ love songs. With highly toxic ‘love is in the air’ even our government is concerned. Singlehood for many is a choice so instead of envying, cribbing and grudging on the Love day we suggest you to make your day special with the most important person in this world- that is YOU. So for all the singles out there here are things which can make your day extra special-

Spa treatment


Pamper yourself.  This Valentine’s day book a spa or massage appointment and relax yourself. Let go of what other’s think of your singlehood and let go of other’s expectations. What is important is to understand that not everyone can enjoy this liberty.

Movie marathon

movies marathon

No, we will not recommend you to watch The Notebook nor The Walk To Remember. Instead of watching sob love stories we suggest you to watch a different genre. Movies like Dumb and Dumber, Super Bad, 21 Jump Street, Liar Liar, Exorcism, The Shawshank Redemption,  Hours, Finding Nemo, Harry Potter series, Fight Club among others will surely take away your mind from the love drama.

Night out


Love comes in different forms and friendship is another form of love. If you are single, then plan your day with all your singe friends. Your gang will make you feel super special. Friends will point out your stupidity. Spread the message of love.

Go out alone

go out alone

We are so sacred to be alone that we often fill the void of emptiness with materialistic things or with artificial love. Single people are aware of this and thus refrain from all the superficiality. So this Valentines’ day go and explore your city-all  alone. Smile and embrace yourself.

Treat street children or visit an old age home/ orphanage-

Treat street children

Yes, its true that we all crave love and someone’s attention but why want love when you can give it. This Valentine’s day go and spend time with street children, give them an ice cream treat or just visit an orphanage/ old age home. We are sure that this gesture will make you realise the essence of love.

So fret not if you are single this Valentine’s Day, do not envy those in love and do remember you are extraordinary!