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Here is Why You Must Follow DietSabya Now!

An Instagram account stylists, fashion brands, and actresses are fearing  (and have also blocked) these days, DietSabya has found its way to all our Instagram feeds. An account you must follow if you're not already, its taken inspiration from the original - DietPrada. (Their Instagram bio says - We are a copy.)

The anonymous Instagram account aims to bring to the limelight the blatant copies, imitations, 'inspirations' people take from other designers/brands. From Deepika Padukone's Cannes look to Designer Riddhi Mehra's runway look, they leave no one behind and wish to stop all the plagiarism in the fashion world.

In the span of just over 35 days, they have already garnered 36000 plus followers due to their sassy, no-f***s given, hilarious style of writing. We personally love their #SourcingRequestDenied features.

In an interview with Hindustan Times, they said, "Copying isn’t cool and we will make sure the online universe knows that... About time serial offenders, influential or upcoming — be called out for their mediocrity."

It's uncanny how several designers have passed off other designs as their own, with some meagre changes. About time someone brought this out!