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The real reason why Trump Unfollowed “Good Friend” PM Modi on Twitter

There is been a lot of fuss these days as why did Trump Unfollowed his Good friend PM Modi, It was just about three weeks ago when the White House and Trump follow PM Modi over Twitter.

The sudden Unfollowing has obviously given rise to many conspiracy theories on Twitter.

                               trump unfollow narendera modi on twitter

The White House has unfollowed all the Indian handles along with the PM Modi.

Upon which many Indian Politicians have reacted as one of which is the tweet of the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi,
He tweeted that” I’m dismayed by the ‘unfollowing’ of our PM by the White House. I urge the Ministry of External Affairs to take note” over this incidence.

According to the reports and news, a few days back Trump has shown the urged PM Modi to uplift the ban on the export of the hydroxychloroquine, a drug which is reported by Trump himself as a solution to the coronavirus. Upon seeing the urge, PM Modi uplifted the ban on the drug’s export. Upon which the Trump tweeted that he won't forget the help from his friend in this situation of crisis.

But then what happened due to which The White House and Trump all of a sudden unfollowed his friend from his Twitter handle?

The fuss was created that even the India Uplifted the ban, what was the reason for their end of friendship on Twitter?

The reason cannot be hydroxychloroquine.

Once people starting gossiping and asked questions, a White House spokesman explained that the twitter handle and Donald Trump only follows the other foreign handles when the Trump is about to make a trip to any country for the official reasons. Those handles are just followed to show the support and also to retweet important updates regarding the visit.

To jog your memories, you all must have remembered that Trump visited India in the last week of February for the mega ‘Namaste Trump’ event. The Spokesman also clarified that trump only follows twitter handle which is related to the US administration and like The First Lady Melania Trump, the Vice President, so on.