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The 5 Unusual Methods Of Naturally Removing Unwanted Body Hair Permanently

A lot of girls like facing the issue of unwanted body hair growing out of control. Though there are no ways in which you can remove them permanently? Well, there are 5 unusual methods with which all of your unwanted body hair will go away forever.

Exited for knowing them? Here you go, keep reading to know about the secret.

Raw Papaya Works Wonders

Hate to eat papaya? But you are going to love this fruit once you know it can remove your unwanted hair permanently. Yes, make small cubes of raw papaya and mash it into a thick pulp. Next, you need to grate a natural root of turmeric and mix it correctly with the paste you made. Massage this evenly in your skin, let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse off. Repeat this twice a week and your hair will be gone eventually.

Turmeric Works Too!

Just when you thought turmeric could not have any more beneficial properties, here it is! Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder along with an equal measure of gr4am flour and combine them properly. Next, pour sesame oil, and you will generate a paste thick in consistency. Apply this and let 30 minutes pass before you wash it off. Remove using scrubbing motion, and you will see some hair coming off. Repeat this every week.

Sugar, Honey, And Lemon!

No, they are not just for making desserts; they can be used for hair removal too! Combine 1 tbsp of sugar along with 1 tbsp of honey and after that squeeze in some fresh lemon juice. Heat the liquid slowly in a boiler and the mixture will soon have a thick consistency. Apply this wax on the skin and use waxing cloth to rip it off after this mixture cools. The natural form of wax, so fresh, isn’t it?

Potatoes And Lentils Are Fantastic As Well!

It’s simple, all you need to do is to soak the lentil overnight in water. Then grind it to generate a thick paste. Next, take a potato and crush it in the lentil paste. Then add lemon juice and honey. Apply it in the parts from where you want to remove the unwanted hair. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then wash off to see the magic.

Lemon And Sugar

Probably the most straightforward natural remedy in this list, right? Juice out one lemon entirely and keep it in a bowl. Use 2 tbsp sugar in it and then add half cup warm water in the mixture. Apply this on your skin and let it soak on for 20 minutes. After that time use gentle rubbing motion to remove all hair.

See how simple they are? Now you can save thousands of bucks every month by waxing at home! So try them out at your house today and see how it magically removes all of the unwanted hair straight from the roots. Enjoy flawless skin around the year with these natural remedies.