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You can do these things if you’re bored

Boredom, has been a huge problem of not having problems to solve or work to do. It’s just another name for procrastination and can be definitely tackled in ways you never thought of. The key to not being bored is realizing that it's your one decision at the starting of the day to plan your upcoming hours.

Here are some of the bulletins that can help you fight that evil force of boredom and fill the gap for a better and more productive you!

1. Clear your mess:


As we know that “every minute spend organizing is an hour saved of your time”, So Snap out of your dream bubble and realize that organizing the stuff around you is crucial as it helps you live a more clean and clutter free life. The key for being an organized person is knowing how to schedule your time and prioritize you work for the best results  . Just Go For It!

2. Sort, wash, fold, iron!


Follow the 4 Rules of Laundry and fill up your boredom hour of the day. Sort, Wash, Fold, Iron! It’s a day to day effort that you seem to miss out and regretting not having clean clothes for that party you always dreamed of. Knowing how to do laundry correctly is a skill in itself and pretty valuable one.

3. Experiment:


Engage your curiousness into experimentation of any sorts. It might be making changes to your favorite dish or indulging in some DIY projects. It jogs your creativity and the things you have made or experimented with might help you in the near future. Try a new ice-cream flavor or a new sport for that matter.

4. Slow Down and Enjoy Life:


One of the easiest and the most under-appreciated ways to relax oneself. Regain focus and energize yourself for the rest of the day. Also known to relieve stress and help you calm down in a situation of panic and distress.  While you're at it, learn a few asanas that help yours in daily laborious household work.

5.Offer Help:


Be of help to someone or lend a hand in household chores, people always appreciate a helping hand. You can offer help in any form, money or labor. Helping your friend shift to a new apartment or tutoring your younger sibling for their upcoming exams.

6. Learn to cook something:


Improve your culinary skills by learning one famous dish and relish them with friends and family, it will not only impress them, but who doesn’t love food? Check out signature dishes of popular chefs all around the world and try giving a shot at yours!

7. Pen down your expenses:


Jot down your day to day expenditures as a routine, trust me, it will help you save a lot. It will let you know where all you have overspent hence making better financial choices as a person. Learn how to invest small amounts in small ventures and stocks.