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Foods that help prevent premature skin aging !

Our body needs healthy food for healthy skin. Here are few of the foods that we should include in our diet to prevent premature skin ageing –

Avocado -

Avocados contain all the essential nutrients that the body cannot produce on its own. Also it contains a lot of antioxidants that has powerful anti-ageing properties.



Blueberries are rich in Vitamin A, C and E. Its consumption makes the skin glow, prevents wrinkles and age spots.

Green Tea -

green tea

Green tea tightens our skin and reduces puffiness. Also it protects against premature ageing.



 Watermelon contains vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants. Watermelon is a delicious way to keep your skin well-nourished as intake of watermelon prevents skin discoloration or wrinkles that come with ageing.

Nuts & Seeds 

nuts and seed

Nuts & seeds are the best sources of omega-6 Oils which is very vital for healthy skin and it also contains Vitamin E which is extremely beneficial for the skin.

Garlic -


Garlic has a powerful antioxidant called allium, which is perfect for the immune system and skin. It also has a natural free radical fighter that protects against premature ageing.

Honey – 


Honey is loaded with antioxidants and it is a natural antiviral.  It can be consumed and also can be applied for face wash. It is extremely beneficial for the skin.

Olive Oil - 

olive oil

Olive oil has anti-ageing and anti-oxidant properties, which promotes the elasticity of blood vessels and it makes the person looks younger. Massaging face with Olive oil prevents wrinkles and age spots.