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Newly Found Planet Could Host Primitive Life

Can newly found planet host primitive life?

The scientists always stay curious about living on the other planets than the Earth.  It is also exciting news for the people who want to know about life outside the Earth. The planet on which life of humans is possible is just six light years ahead from  Earth planet and one can say that this is the closet world for Earth in the solar planet. Primitive life can exist on a rocky planet which is located near Earth according to a team of scientists who are working on astronomical research from a long time.

The team of astronomers said that they have found some microbes living on that newly found planet and there should be a lot of thermal activity on the planet to ensure the life of living organisms there.  Humans can get a kit of energy to survive on the other planet with these activities. It has been quite exciting for the scientists to find out life on a planet which is not so far away from earth. It is believed that life can be also possible on Proxima Centauri which is just four light years ahead of Earth.  This planet orbits the red Barnard star which is a dwarf. It is cooler and smaller as compared to the sun and it puts out X-rays and UV rays which can hurt life on that planet but there is little hope of life on this planet as per the studies and research.

Super Earth Planet  

The planet which is chosen by the scientists is around three times of the mass or earth. The planet could host primitive life but it also contains a lot of geothermal energy. It can heat up the environment of the planet and this also happens in Antartica on Earth.  The researchers compared this planet to Hoth which is the icy planet in Star Wars movie. They did this comparison jokingly but it might be true.

Challenges in front of scientists

This new planet can host primitive life but there is a challenge in front of the scientists who want to discover life on this planet.  There is no such telescope which can have a look at the atmosphere of that planet in a biological manner. The oxygen and methane can’t be found out by the scientists till now but it would need the launch of a new telescope which can go at this planet till 2021. It might be possible that a more powerful telescope can be required for the scientists to know more about the life and environment on this planet.  

When the planet can be directly imaged, it can be easy for scientists to get more information about its temperature and other properties. The astronomers can know about the surface of the planet by taking help of Aledo. The life of humans prefer water at first and with the help of Albedo,  it can be found if there is water or ice on that planet for the sustainability of humans.

The scientists are on infant stage when it comes to studying about life on this planet. It isn’t known if the planet can host extraterrestrial life or not but it would come out soon as the scientists are trying hard to get more information about it. NASA is currently working Europa clipper and this mission wants to find out the habitat conditions on Icy moon of Jupiter. It is the liquid ocean because tidal energy is helping the liquid to freeze on Jupiter.

Finding more information and data

The astronomers are waiting for more data and information about the planet to assure the people about life on that planet. They are gathering more information to see if the planet has got properties to provide a perfect life for humans. If scientists can be able to get more data and information about life on that planet,   then it can be really easy for the people to live on that new planet. If the planet could host primitive life or not can be only known after the scientist is able to get full information about it. In order to stay updated on this information, people should stay aware of the latest science news.

The newly found planet needs to be explored a lot more to get information about the life existence on it. They are trying to get images of this planet by using various techniques. There is a lot of ideas ion the mind of scientists and new ideas can be generated. They would be using some telescopes to find out the atmosphere of that planet.