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Promises are just words unless they are fulfilled. Happy Promise Day!

The fifth day of the Love week lands us on promise day. Promise day holds special regards in our hearts as it is the day when a lifelong commitment can be promised. The day can be celebrated by anyone and not just non-platonic partners.

Promise Day

A promise is something where a lifetime of love affection and care is given to your beloved in order to fulfill your promise. It also defines a person’s morals as to how high he holds the value of his words and what he is willing to do in order to keep the promise he once made. A sense of responsibility is born between couples when they promise each other about something. They immediately become more sensible, rational to keep the hearty promises together and stand firm on their word. This day in Valentine’s week is meant so couples can promise each other love, affection, care and trust which will help in a steady and strong relationship. Couples all over the world promise to stand by each other in the good and bad times. They promise faithfulness, sincerity and some even promise to spend the rest of their loves with each other.

Promise Day

As love is already in the air during this entire week, couples try to make it as special as possible. The ones who are not able to see each other send the other one cards and notes with their promises written all over it. While others try to make it more special by taking their loved one to a special or memorable place where they promise all the love, faithfulness and respect to their partner. So this promise day make sure you promise your partner something special and abide by it no matter what the circumstances.

Promise Day

Stay tuned for more.