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Federer Twelve Final Days movie review: A farewell for tennis’ GOAT

Retirement in sports is seldom graceful, especially in tennis. The final days of even the greatest champions often unfold with a cruel inevitability. They face younger, hungry opponents or succumb to unseeded underdogs, all while battling injuries, surgeries, and the emotional toll of bidding farewell. Such is the narrative painted in "Federer: Twelve Final Days," a documentary that chronicles Roger Federer's poignant exit from professional tennis, directed by Asif Kapadia and Joe Sabia.

Federer: Twelve Final Days

Release date 14 June 2024
Critic's Rating 4/5
Director Asif Kapadia, Joe Sabia
Cast Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, Andy Murray
Duration  100 minutes

The film opens with a contemplative Severin Lüthi, Federer's longtime coach, reflecting on the double death an athlete faces upon retirement. As Federer prepares for his last competitive match at the 2022 Laver Cup in London, moments of introspection are captured: the ritualistic tying of his bandana, a quick pep talk in the mirror. These scenes, meticulously curated, hint at the documentary's overarching theme—an intimate farewell orchestrated by Federer himself.

Unlike other tennis documentaries, which often focus on the subject's achievements and personal life, "Twelve Final Days" is a deeply personal narrative commissioned by Federer. It delves into his relationships, notably with Rafael Nadal, whose presence amplifies the film's nostalgic and emotional depth. Nadal's promise to play alongside Federer one last time, amid personal milestones like impending fatherhood, adds a poignant layer to Federer's farewell story.

The film strategically uses archival footage to underscore Federer's unparalleled skill and artistry on the court, complemented by insights from tennis luminaries like John McEnroe. Yet, it's the evolving dynamics with his rivals—Nadal, Novak Djokovic, and Andy Murray—that lend a human touch to Federer's narrative. Candid moments reveal Federer's complex emotions towards Djokovic, once dismissed but eventually respected, highlighting the depth of competitive spirit and mutual respect among tennis greats.

Director Asif Kapadia, known for his intimate portrayals of public figures, brings a sensitive touch to Federer's story, capturing not just his achievements but also his vulnerabilities. Moments of triumph and defeat are balanced with introspective interviews and emotional backstage scenes, creating a nuanced portrayal of a sports icon facing the twilight of his career.

federer twelve final days

Central to the documentary is Federer's stoic demeanor amidst waves of emotion. "I'm solid," he reassures himself, moments before tears betray his composure. This dichotomy—poker-faced on court yet emotionally transparent off it—underscores Federer's legacy not just as a player but as a role model of grace and sportsmanship. The film's climax, capturing Federer and Nadal side-by-side in tears after their final match together, epitomizes the bittersweet essence of their rivalry. Their hands briefly touching—a fleeting, profound gesture—symbolizes a bond forged through fierce competition and mutual respect. It's a testament to the emotional depth of tennis, where victory and defeat are intertwined, and where rivalries transcend mere competition to define eras.

In conclusion, "Federer: Twelve Final Days" transcends the typical sports documentary by weaving together moments of triumph, introspection, and emotional vulnerability. It celebrates Federer not just as a tennis champion but as a symbol of perseverance and humility in the face of inevitable change. Directed with empathy and insight, the film invites audiences to witness the humanity behind the legend—a poignant reminder that even the greatest champions must one day bid farewell to the game they love. As Federer and Nadal's tearful embrace fades into memory, the documentary leaves an indelible mark, honoring a legacy that extends far beyond the tennis court.

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