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25 Traditional & Modern Saree Poses For Girls At Home For Photoshoot


Wearing a saree is simple once you understand the fundamentals. It's similar to posing in any other type of clothing. Indeed, the pallu can keep your hands busy with various tasks. The key is to always maintain a polished and elegant appearance! There is still a lot of enjoyment waiting to be experienced. Now, let's examine some pose inspiration!

1. Simple Front Pose

Simple Front Pose

This is a simple saree pose for photography that exudes confidence. Simply face the camera and bend one knee in the front while standing. Pull a section of your hair over to one side. Put your hands together on the front, ensuring they are touching gently. Maintain good posture and give a small smile.

2. Model Pose

Model Pose

Interested in learning how to strike a pose in a saree like a professional model? It may be uncomplicated, but a little self-assurance is necessary! Slight modification of the previous position - simply place both hands on your waist and there you have it! You are a fashion model.

3. The Basic Confident Pose

The Basic Confident Pose

I have just covered the fundamentals of this posture with you, and I'm convinced that you now consider it simple. Simply rotate your upper body, place the front hand on your waist, and extend the other hand straight behind you. Tilt your head slightly towards the camera and exude confidence!

4. The Basic Staircase Pose

The Basic Staircase Pose

Being on a raised platform or the initial stair of a staircase can definitely make you appear taller. Additionally, it provides a purpose for your free hand by allowing you to gently place it on the railing or balustrade. Fantastic concept for capturing full-length saree poses indoors.

5. Cheek-Touch-Look-Down Pose

Look Down Pose

Curious about other possible activities for your hands when there's nothing to support them? The simplest method is to gently touch your hair or cheek. You have the option to gaze upwards at the camera. Simply glance down gracefully to highlight your eye makeup! You can also utilize it as a basic selfie pose while wearing a saree.

6. The Simple Front Pose

The Simple Front Pose

Want to flaunt your profile without placing hands on your waist? Here is a simple saree pose to attempt. Just position yourself at the corner and face forward. Next, cross your arms to join your hands together in front of your body, located above your belly button. That is all!

7. The Simple Front Pose

Front Pose

If you prefer not to place your hand on the waist, give this a try. It is considered one of the most simple saree poses for those new to wearing them. Just stand in front of the camera. Next, tilt the head slightly to one side (ensuring that your nose is properly displayed in profile). Bend your arm in order to place your hand on.

8. The Shy Girl Front Pose

The Shy Girl Front Pose

Looking to appear as the timid, reserved girl that you truly are? Next, here is a guide on how to pose while wearing a saree. Face the camera directly. Bend one knee slightly to create a slight mermaid-like pose. Next, tilt your head slightly to the side and downwards to display your profile and gently smile. You can use your hands to contact one arm with your other hand or you can grasp onto your pallu.

9. The Side Pallu Pose

The Side Pallu Pose

If you're self-conscious about your body (even though you shouldn't be), here's a simple pose to camouflage any stomach flab. Simply position yourself at a 90-degree angle to the camera with your pallu covering your side profile completely. Bend one knee in order to avoid appearing too rigid. This position will assist you in directing your attention to your pallu. Smiling toward the camera, tilt your head. Lastly, gracefully bring both of your hands together in front of you.

10. Stare-at-an-Ant-on-the-Floor Pose

Stare pose

Did I clean the floor thoroughly today? Is it possible for me to complete my tasks on time this week? What is the activity of those ants on the ground? These are the questions that may come to mind as you elegantly gaze at the ground to display your eyeshadow. Make sure to keep a slight bend in your arms and feel free to carry a clutch or a flower as well.

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11. Leaning-against-the-Wall Pose

Leaning pose

I adore this position - very beautiful and enjoyable. If you have a lovely wall to rest against, this is one of the easiest saree poses. Flex one arm towards the wall, reaching the elbow with one hand and the head with the other. Alternatively, you have the option to hold your clutch or place it on your leg. Tilt your head and beam with your eyes!

12. The Nice Girl Sitting Pose

The Nice Girl Sitting Pose

This is the way to position yourself in a saree to highlight the border. Seated in a chair is a simple method to display your entire outfit without needing to pose extensively. Put your legs crossed and slant your head slightly to one side to face the camera. After that, just stack your hands on your knees. Or use the other hand to hold one wrist.

13. Sitting Down Front Pose

Sitting Down Front Pose

Here's one more seated position - simply a slight modification of the previous one. This is one of the most confident saree poses you can try if you need a place to sit. Assume a crossed-legged position slightly angled, face the camera, and ensure your head is straight. Next, put one hand on either the armrest or the bench. And put the other one on your lap facing you.

14. Touch-the-Pallu Front Pose

Pallu Front Pose

Here's a highly stylish posture to give off a very confident vibe. Gather all your hair to one side in order to reveal your earring. Position yourself in front of the camera with one knee slightly bent and your toe pointed to the side. Place one hand on your hip and raise the other hand. Use it to gently brush against your shoulder or your pallu. You have the option to either face the camera directly or glance sideways and upwards.

15. The Back-Pallu Pose

Back Pallu Pose

Here is a guide on how to pose in a saree if you have a saree with an attractive pallu or a blouse with a glamorous back design. Face away from the camera. Sweep all of your hair to one side at the front to showcase the design of your blouse. Next, turn your gaze in the direction opposite. Extend one arm to the side and grasp the edge of the pallu with the other hand.

16. Back Blouse Pose

Back Blouse Pose

If you want to flaunt a close-up shot of the back of your blouse, here is one of the most alluring poses to attempt. Locate an attractive wall or door to stand in front of for a photo. Move all your hair to one side and rotate your head in the opposite direction. Next, put one hand on the side of your face and place the other on your waist or leave it in front of you.

17. The Half-Sexy Half-Nice Pose

Half Nice Pose

If you want to appear attractive without going overboard, here is a great saree pose for girls to experiment with. Keep one leg fully extended and slightly bend the other knee in order to position the foot in front. Next, position yourself at a slight angle and face forward with your head turned. Ensure your hair is all on the same side and keep your hands together at your thigh.

18. The Front Pallu Pose

The Front Pallu Pose

This is a technique for posing in a saree with a front-pallu drape. Simply stand with confidence in front of the camera and sweep all your hair to the side opposite the pallu. Next, grasp the pallu with one hand and extend the other hand slightly to the side. Lean one knee slightly to the side for extra flair.

19. The Bollywood Pose

The Bollywood Pose

A classic saree pose for photoshoots is easily mastered with just a tree, wall, or staircase railing for support. And incline slightly.

20. The Strict Teacher Pose

The Strict Teacher Pose

This is a simple way to drape a silk saree if you haven't pinned your pallu yet. Just put your hands in front of you and grab both ends of the palla, folding it over like a shawl.

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