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COVID-19 Update - Breaking News COVID Vaccine for everyone above the age of 45

In the past 24 hours, India reported the highest number of Corona cases since early November making it to a total of 11.7 million, and also reported the highest number of deaths on Wednesday, which is the most in 2021. As a second surge in cases, we got some positive hope regarding vaccination.

In a recent interview, Prakash Javadekar the union minister announced a piece of great news that people above the age of 45 are eligible for the Covid-19 Vaccine.

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The decision was made at the cabinet meeting on 23rd of March based on the recommendations from NEGVAC (National Expert Group for Vaccination Administration for Covid-19 which suggested expanding the priority age group that can be vaccinated.

He told that "as per the discussion of the cabinet on the major issue of more vaccinations as we have already achieved speedy and good vaccination campaigns. Till today we have provided vaccination to around 4 crores and 85 lakhs of people. In the last 2 hours, more than 32 lakh vaccines were administered."

As we know the frontline workers of the COVID situation like doctors, Policemen, and people above the age of 60 were provided with the vaccination in batches and phases. Also, back then people above the age of 45 who had moderate or symptoms of Covid-19 disease were provided with the doses of COVID vaccine.

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"But as per the latest discussion and advice from the scientist, this is decided that from 1st April the vaccine will be available for everyone above the age of 45." The minister said.

He also requested all the eligible people above the age of 45 to immediately registered and get themselves vaccinated as it will be the shield against the rising corona disease. Also "advice is given by scientists and world scientist bodies that the second dose can be administered between 4-8 weeks particularly for COVID shield," Prakash Javadekar said.

He clarified that the vaccine is available in enough quantity and there is no scarcity and supply chains are intact. He appealed to everyone above 45 to get themselves registered for this COVID vaccine and it is the major guard against the corona disease.

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According to the sources, Co-Win can register 50 lakh, people, on daily basis, but currently, registrations are less than 10 lakh. The capacity on Co-Win can further be scaled up to one crore people on daily basis. In Rajya Sabha on 23rd March, Harsh Vardhan the health minister said there are enough vaccine supplies to meet the sessions scheduled by the states.

The health ministry told that "there is no shortage of vaccines in the country. People should not unnecessarily panic. The government has a well-planned system that regularly monitors total consumption, total vaccine allocated, and the balance of vaccine and if there is any need for replenishment."

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