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Superbugs in Space can have an impact on astronaut health

Various researches and studies are made by scientists when it comes to finding out life on other planets and space. According to a new study, it has been analyzed that there are bacteria in space which resembles the bacteria which are on Earth planet. The harsh radiations and weightless atmosphere of the space can let the space microbes mutate but there is no danger of them turning into superbugs which can be resistant to best antibiotics. According to a new study, different genes are found in space bacteria which are basically similar to the bacteria living on earth. These space genes aren’t going to hurt the astronauts at all.

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The researchers are able to find out bacteria but they aren’t sure if there can be superbugs in space. There are low chances of the astronauts to get hurt by these bacteria. The famous researcher team has looked at the harmless and common microbes which basically live on the human skin. The investigators have gathered the staph from human skin and they also asked the astronauts in order to get staph from space station surface. It became easier for the scientist to find out differences between the genes of those bacteria living in a different environment. The investigators don’t know if the microbes can evolve faster in space as compared to Earth. Will these microbes in space can get bigger?  This is an interesting question but there is no particular answer for it till now.

Long term research on microbes

This is not the initial stage of researchers finding microbes in space. They have always been studying the life of bacteria and living organisms in space and other planets. There is not any kind of immediate threat to an astronaut who goes into space.  The international space station was chosen to gather the bacteria from space to be compared with the ones on Earth living on human skin.

The scientists who study Astrobiology believes that these bacteria won’t grow bigger now but it can be possible in future. This is a great study which has allowed to astronauts to stay protected in space because they don’t want to go in tightly sealed suits which are full of bacteria. There is a lot of bacteria diversity in space and that’s why the scientists can’t tell much just by looking at those. It is necessary to know about the response of bacteria properly to find out their environmental conditions and response to the various issues.  

It is lucky for the astronauts that these tiny creatures are finally getting an easy path in orbit. In the year 2017, NASA tried to sequence the Microbes DNA on the space station. It was basically the first time when astronauts sequenced orbiting and helped to find out microbes that need to send these samples back on Earth. The staphylococcus and Staphylococcus capitis was found by the space station. It can be possible that these little bacteria can turn into Superbugs in space someday but nothing is known till now.   

International space station researches

Researches need to be made on a regular basis to find out more about the life of bacteria in space. Without the regular efforts of scientists, it can’t be possible to know more about it now.  The researchers are always trying to work hard in order to find out more and more about the life of microbes and bacteria in space and other planets. It might be a great question for the people now but it would not be difficult for the talented scientists to find the answer for it soon. If the bacteria would turn into superbugs, then the astronauts won’t be able to open windows and they will have to stay in little capsules.

They won’t be able to circulate air or go outside for a long time and that’s why it is a great concern to find out if the microbes can affect humans in space. There are thousands of microbes which are traveling in space for a long time but there can be a time when these can start hurting astronauts. Bacteria are really happy to live on the skin due to organic oils and that’s why it is really important for the astronauts to find out more information about these bugs.  When it comes to space and bacteria study, astrobiology has proved to be very important. The scientists have worked hard in order to find out the information and data about the life and survival of bacteria in space which isn’t harmful to anyone till now.

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