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Fifa World Cup: Indian Security Officers To Assist Qatar

Fifa World Cup brings everyone together! The 2018 Fifa World Cup is being held at Russia and people are watching the event from all over the world. While you might be cheering for your favorite team this year, the plans for 2022 Fifa World Cup, which will be held at Qatar, has already begun. But did you know that India will play a massive part in it?

Indian Sleuths Are In Demand

Around 20 IPS officers had been called for the security seminar of Fifa World Cup 2022, which was held at Doha in March 2018. These were the officers who have been responsible for the security of India during the 26/11 terrorist attacks in Mumbai. Along with fantastic risk management skills, these officers also helped to conduct the IPL tournament as well as the under 17 Fifa World Cup smoothly. Impressed by the capabilities of these Indian officers, officials at Fifa and Doha wanted their participation in the Fifa World Cup 2022.

Who Are These Lucky Officers?

Now you may be wondering that how these officers are being chosen? The list of these officers has been compiled by the Ministry of Home-Affairs (MHA) in India. All the union territories, as well as the States of India, have been asked to give in their input. The officers are being chosen from their expertise and health conditions. If they are fit to travel and have an overall experience about tackling different situations spontaneously, then they will be sent for looking after the security of 2022 Fifa World Cup. Since it will be an international event, the officers need to have a good command over the English Language and should not have any charges of corruption levied upon them.

NSG and Maharastra have been asked by MHA officials, to send the names of those Indian sleuths who are of DIG and SP ranks. These are the officials who helped Mumbai to cope up with the 26/11 terror attacks and brought stability back into the lives of the people in Mumbai. These brave-hearts worked tirelessly for three days straight and flushed out all the militants, who were responsible for 166 deaths in Taj Hotel. Similarly, IPS officers from Delhi, Rajasthan, and Gujarat are also being considered as they have conducted the IPL tournament safely and smoothly. West Bengal has been asked to put forward the names of those officers who had organised the Indian Super- League and knew a lot about crowd management and threat management. Nominations have also been asked from the Intelligence Bureau by MHA.

You may ask yourself that how will this piece of information help you? See, there are multiple ways by which we will be benefitting from it. Probably wondering how? According to senior government officials, this action will have a positive effect as our officers will learn a lot from such an international level exposure and it will benefit our nation in future.