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Players that will turn your heads twice at the FIFA World Cup 2018

The FIFA World Cup fever is on and people are cheering aloud for their favorite teams. However, for us women, we have our sights set on something different! The oh-so-sexy players from the different teams, whom we cannot take our eyes off! Browsing through the player-lists of the participating teams, we have shortlisted some of the hottest athletes who are sure to turn your heads at FIFA 18!

You would see 32 teams struggling their way out to take home the 21st FIFA World Cup. With the matches having begun form the 14th June, it would last for a month, until 15th July tentatively. These young athletes will not only steal the show with their sportsmanship but will also make your heats bit louder.   

Presenting to you the top 5 men who will take you on a fairyland and make watching football worth every minute!

1)    Tim Cahill

Why him?

Which young lady doesn't love a hot Australian man who simply happens to astound at sports? Cahill has turned out to be one of the most elevated profile players in the Asian Football Confederation and has scored the most goals by any Australian in the World Cup. He's likewise known for scoring the greater part of these goals with his head. Great move Tim, I adore it.

2)    Jerome Boateng

Why him?

Germany has a list of most handsome goalies. But we’re sure you cannot deny that there’s something jaw-dropping about Boateng’s off-the-pitch glasses.

3)    Rafael Márquez

Why him?

Márquez, at 39, is basically the group's hot father and is going to be just the 3rd player in history to take an interest in five World Cup squads. Nonetheless, we wish to educate you that Hot Dad may have a faulty streak: He's contending under a billow of doubt about whether his organizations have been fronts for medicating traffickers. Would this allow you to deprive him of the tag of hotness? Noo!

4)    Cristiano Ronaldo

Why him?

One of the most popular and talked about soccer players, he has over 60 million likes on his Facebook page and has a net worth of an estimated $132 million, but that's not the only reason why we love him. Who doesn't love a man who's got game on and off the field? That's why Ronaldo makes our list as one of the hottest men in FIFA.

5)    David Beckham

Why him?

Did you truly think I would forget David Beckham from this rundown? Reconsider. Regardless of his retirement, this exquisite 6''0 genius should be on this rundown and has become well known on the field, as well as off it too. He was the first English player to win league titles in four nations: England, Spain, United States and France. He is additionally an overall fashion trendsetter alongside his significant ‘better-half’ Victoria, together turning into the most intense couple in the game's world.

Isn’t it hot in here already? Aren’t you sweating already?