There is no need for a diabetic person to eliminate all sugary foods from their diet. Here are few of the fruits that diabetic person can have without worrying about their blood sugar level -
Pomegranate –

Pomegranates, great sources of iron and antioxidants helps the body in fighting with chronic diseases. It also helps diabetic people in controlling and maintaining their blood sugar levels.
Oranges –

Oranges, rich in vitamin C, flavonols, flavanones and phenolic acid helps in protecting diabetes to a great extent.
Guava –

Guava is rich in vitamin C and are good source of fibre. Consumption of guavas helps in weight loss and treating constipation. It also helps in minimizing the chances of developing diabetes in body.
Apples –

Apples are one of the fruits which contain all the vital nutrients and vitamins essential for the body. Apples are beneficial for reducing the possibility of diabetes.
Watermelon –
Watermelons have high content of water, fiber and potassium. Presence of potassium helps in the smooth functioning of kidney. Hence, watermelon is extremely beneficial for person suffering with diabetes.
Strawberries –

Strawberries, rich in antioxidants have low- glycemic index and hence, its beneficial for diabetic person. It also helps in reducing weight and increasing immunity in the body
Papaya –

Papayas inspite of being sweet in taste has low sugar content and is packed with beta-carotene, Vitamin A, B, C and lot of antioxidants which makes papaya great for diabetics. Consumption of papaya helps in controlling sugar level to a great extent.