On #NationalScienceDay, remembering the great physicist Sir C. V. Raman and all the great scientists of the nation who have inspired the young generations to stay curious, discover, invent and make our lives better.
National Science Day 2018: The Theme For This Year Is "Science and Technology For a Sustainable Future."
The National Science Day is celebrated on 28 February every year in the honour of Indian physicist Sir Chandrashekhara Venkata Raman's discovery of three Raman effect on 28 February 1928. Sir CV Raman, as he was known, was also awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the three Raman Effect in the year 1930. He discovered the three Raman effect along with his student and scientist K.S. Krishnan.
National Science Day is the biggest science function of India. The purpose of celebrating National Science Day is spreading the message of the importance of science in daily life of the people. Science Day is also an occasion for the scientific community of the country to come together and celebrate the wonders of science.
A week before 28 February, host of events and activities are conducted in schools across India where students are encouraged to demonstrate various science projects. Quiz contests, debate and elocution festivals, lectures and science exhibitions are held in the week leading up to Science Day. It is important to develop and encourage passion for science among school children and youth. Hence it is important to celebrate Science Day.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Mann Ki Baat on Sunday, 25 February, 2018, mentioned the names of important scientists and spoke about Sir C V Raman and his Nobel Prize winning Raman effect. The Prime Minister, talking about the glorious tradition of science in India said that, "In Mathematics, India has given and we have the glorious tradition of Baudhaya, Bhaskara, Brahmagupta and Aryabhatta. In the medical field, Sushruta and Charaka made enormous contributions. In the field of science, Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose, Hargobind Khurana and Satyendra Nath Bose are India's pride. Satyendra Nath Bose has to his credit the Boson particles and they have even been named after him ," he said.
Every year, the National Science Day celebrates a theme and the theme for 2018 is "Science and Technology for a sustainable future." The National Science Day is the occasion to remember and understand the contribution of scientists in India and take inspiration from them to move towards the goal of becoming a more scientific and rational society.