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Lenovo Introduced the World with The First Foldable PC

For the past few years, a lot of changes and upgrades have been introducing especially in the gadget world. From the keypad phones to smartphones and now folding phones everything has been changed. And the same is the case with computers and laptops. Nowadays, the latest talk in the market is the new foldable PC introduced by Lenovo. It has not been launched yet, but it is still quite popular among gadget lovers. This is considered to be another milestone in the tech industry as the gadgets continue to evolve through time.

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When is the expected launch date of this PC?

The foldable PC has been in the development phase for over three years, which means there will be a lot of features in it. Some people think that foldable devices are just a cool piece of tech and nothing more. Well, you can find its benefits when you use the products. The expected launch date of the ThinkPad is somewhere in 2020. Also, it will introduce some premium features which you can enjoy while using them.

Why are there so many foldable PC gadgets introduced?

You might not know the significance of the foldable products which are being launched in the market. It is a new development in the gadget industry, which can help you in managing the space of any gadget. Foldable PC is quite different than the smartphones out there as it does the opposite of what they are doing. Using the help of folding technique the size of your PC is reduced significantly which means that you can carry them easily.

Details introduced about the Foldable PC

Lenovo created the 13.3-inch 2K OLED display. It can be folded into the size of a book similar to the size of the Harry Potter books. The size of the foldable PC is quite compact and you will not face any problem while carrying them either in your purse or bags. And you will not even feel their weight while carrying them with you. So the folding features are quite beneficial for anyone who face trouble in making extra space to carry their laptops.

What is the first impression of the foldable PC?

As mentioned already the product is still under development so nothing much has been shown yet, but it was shown to some tech experts and reviewers. The most impressive thing about the PC was its size, weight and display. This is one of the futuristic technologies which everyone has been waiting for and if everything goes right, you might be using the folding PC from next year.

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