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National Award Categories & the Prize Money Winners Take Home!

For the past few years, Bollywood movies have witnessed a drastic change. People are becoming smarter about choosing movies which have better storylines. One of the most inconvenient facts about Bollywood is the award ceremonies organized by them. You might have seen one or two award ceremonies on television where there has been a lot of debate on the winner of these awards shows as the most deserving characters are not even nominated.

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This is one of the reasons for the awards like National Film Awards, which is considered the greatest honour for any artist to receive. There are no sponsors and the awards are given to the deserving candidates after considering a certain number of things. You can get assured as these awards are not sold and only given to the movies and actors which really deserves. From the year 1973, the National Film Awards are organized every year.

What are the categories in the National Film Awards

The National Film Awards are generally presented under two main National Award Categories that is Non-Feature Film Awards and Feature Film Awards. The jury for the National Film awards is selected by the Directorate of Film Festivals in India. More than 100 films are selected every year under certain categories. These are the categories of the award ceremony for the National Film Awards.

  • Non-Feature Film Awards – Non-feature films are generally movies which are not created for the purpose of revenue. These movies are mostly documentaries and use for maintaining the records of historical events. The time length of these movies can vary depending on the content. There is a special National Award for every non-feature movie.
  • Feature Film Awards – A feature film is considered a movie which has a longer run time for their movies. These are the mainstream Bollywood movies with famous stars and are hit in theatres. The only condition for these movies is that they should be longer than 40-minute runtime. These movies are created in order to make money on them. There is a lot of award competition in this category.
  • Best Writing on Cinema – The National Film Awards also provide the award for the Best Book on Cinema. In these National Award Categories, the award is given to the person in Best writing on the Bollywood or Indian cinema and is awarded Swarna Kamal Award.

There are also further categories in the Non-Feature Film Awards and Feature Film Awards. The prize money for the winners also depends upon the various National Award Categories.

Swarna Kamal Category (Golden Lotus Award)

It is also important to learn about the rise Money Winners for any awards. You can check out the various categories for which a movie can be nominated and check the prize money offered to them. The winner of this award gets a shawl, medallion and cash prizes.

  • Best Feature Film - Rs. 250000
  • Best Director –Rs. 250000
  • Best Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment – Rs. 200000
  • Best Children’s Film –Rs. 150000
  • Best Debut Film of a Director –Rs. 125000
  • Best Animated Film –Rs. 100000

Rajat Kamal Category (Silver Lotus Award)

All the technical part of the film industry is awarded under this part of National Award Categories. Although every award is given with a 50,000 prize money. The artist of the movie, its director, and many other things are given awards.

  • Rajat Kamal Category
  • Best Actor
  • Best Actress
  • Best Supporting Actor
  • Best Supporting Actress
  • Best Child Artist
  • Best Music Direction

You might be surprised to know that there is another National Award Categories for the best critics. Even though they are not a part of any movie, but they play an important role in the film industry. That is why they are awarded Rs. 75000 for being a true critique of the movie.

These are some of the things which you need to learn about the National Award Categories. It is never about the money, but the pride you get when you receive the highest honour for acting which shows your quality of work. That is why every actor works hard in order to receive name, fame and last but not the least these national awards.

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