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Medical Tests Every Man Should Have

Most chronic conditions have symptoms. They may be light and mysterious, but they often appear. Sometimes the disease is silent and does not show any signs until it reaches an advanced stage. This is why health organizations recommend screening checks: to look for a disease, even before any signs appear, so that it is detected early enough to successfully cure it.
Men have a shorter life expectancy than women, and in addition to hormonal and genetic differences that can help explain this difference, another possible explanation is cultural conditioning.
Tempo's 24/7 service compiled a list of tests that men must perform using sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute.

The medical tests every man must undergo:

1. Diabetes
There are several blood sugar tests that can confirm the diagnosis of diabetes. The standard test for the disease is the Diabetic Hemoglobin Test (A1C), which measures the average blood sugar levels over two to three months. Screening is recommended for three years from 45 years of age, unless a person is at increased risk of diabetes because he is overweight, has a family history of the condition, or does not exercise.

2. HIV -
Several laboratory and home tests are available. The US Food and Drug Administration recommends antibody and antigen blood tests because only tests that verify antibodies can produce false negatives. It takes up to eight weeks for antibodies to develop after exposure to the virus.

3. ETS and other smart transportation systems -
Two of the most common STIs in both men and women are chlamydia and gonorrhea. The average reported cases of chlamydia among men increased every year between 2000 and 2018, except for between 2012 and 2013, when the rate was constant. There are several tests that are used to detect infectious diseases, including using a blood or urine sample or swab from the genitals.

4. Hepatitis C-
Men are more likely to develop hepatitis C, a viral infection that damages the liver or causes serious side effects as a result of the disease. Hepatitis C is spread through the blood of an infected person. People who share needles, tattoo or penetrate unhealthy equipment are at increased risk.

5. Cholesterol-
There are two main types of cholesterol: good cholesterol, good cholesterol, or bad cholesterol. A simple blood test can measure the level of each type of fat-like substance found in a person's blood and in every cell in the body. High levels of low-density lipoprotein are dangerous because they can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries, which may prevent blood flow, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. In general, elevated cholesterol levels show no symptoms.