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Easy ice cream recipe at home

Learn the smooth ice cream recipe at your home!

Do you love binging ice cream? Of course! Who hates the creamy textured chilled ice cream and now you can also prepare it at your home. You are never old to have a cup of ice cream, and we are sure that you will revel that soft scoop in your regular diet. Are you interested in knowing the best ice cream recipes at home?

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If yes, then here are the two fabulous ice cream recipes among which you can follow the one which suits you best according to your requirements and style:

Vanilla Ice Cream recipe 1

Ice cream

If you want to try the ice cream recipe, then you need to collect all the necessary ingredients which you need to prepare the ice cream. To make the vanilla ice cream, you  need half cup of sugar, two ¼ cups of milk, 1 tbsp corn flour, 1 tbsp vanilla essence, and ½ cup fresh cream. Here are the steps which you need to follow to prepare your ice cream:

  • Initially, you need to take a bowl in which you have to add only 1/4th of milk along with cornflour. You need to mix it properly, and then it can be kept aside to perform other steps now.
  • You have to get a deep pan, and the non-stick pan will be a lot better. You have to add two cups of milk in it and then heat it at moderate temperature. Let it boil for 8 minutes and make sure that you continue stirring it. You can add the cornflour mixture and add sugar in it. Again, you need to mix it well and then cook it on the flame for five minutes only. Let it cool down completely.
  • After the mixture is cooled, you can add vanilla essence and fresh cream in it and don’t forget to mix it well. Just pour this mixture into a container, and then you can cover it with using a aluminum foil. It will be better if you are taking an aluminum container and let it freeze for around six hours.
  • After keeping the mixture in the fridge for six hours, you can pour it in the mixer and then blend it till it gets smooth. You can transfer it back into the aluminum container and let it freeze for ten hours till it gets set.

So, this is the natural ice cream recipe which should be tried by everyone at their home. You don’t need to get so many ingredients to prepare, and it is effortless to make it.

Ice cream recipe 2

ice cream

Now is another ice cream recipe at home which you can use to prepare ice cream. The ingredients which you are going to need for this recipe are 600 ml of cream, 1 ½ spoon of vanilla essence and one can (392 gm) of the milkmaid. Here are the steps which you should follow to prepare it:

  • You need to get beaters and chilled bowl kept in the freezer overnight. Make sure that you also take chilled condensed milk and cream, but both of these shouldn’t be frozen.
  • You need to take a bowl in which you can transfer the condensed milk and vanilla extract and leave it aside. In the chilled bowl, you need to add cream, which needs to be whipped.
  • It will be better to use the electric beater if you want to whip it properly. Make sure that you beat it till it gets stiff and soft. You can add two scoops of this paste into condensed milk.
  • Keep stirring it gently to mix it equally. You can combine both the whipped cream and condensed milk and stir it for some time.
  • After this, you can keep the prepared paste into the freezer in a container. You can add food plastic sheet on it and make sure that it inevitably touches the cream. This will prevent you from seeing ice crystals over the ice cream.

After ten hours refrigeration, this ice cream would be ready to serve, and you can keep it preserved in your fridge for around ten days. This ice cream recipe is quite easy if you are a beginner; otherwise, you can also try the first one. If you love to eat flavored ice creams, you can use other flavors instead of vanilla essence. You can do different experiments with the flavors once you can prepare the vanilla ice cream properly on your own at home using simple ingredients.  

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